Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Parental Alienation Awareness - Kids First

I aim to do everything I can to raise awareness of issues related to pa / pca and let my daughter know how much she is loved and missed... Also to continue to plea to the maternal family to just do the right thing for Aleyah... We are one day closer xx


#parentalienationawareness #onedaycloser #foreveryourdad #kidsfirst ALWAYS loving you.. ALWAYS thinking about you.. FOREVER your dad.. Xx #aleyahmonkdalton  (aka stage/alienation name #aaliyahmonk)

Friday, 15 February 2019

To alienating "parents" - The Future...

"One thing you should be aware of is that at some point, your children will start to ask questions and possibly realise how you have lied and deceived them too....


There will come a point where you cannot control them anymore and this might result in YOU losing them in their adult lives. Is that what you want? It's not what I want. Its not the childrens fault.. They deserve the love of BOTH parents and both sides of their family.. 

This doesn’t seem to matter to you too much right now as you have won your war against the other parent and family by preventing your child from having a loving and healthy relationship with the person you seem to hate more than you love your child"... But you have to realise that this is not only emotional abuse of your childs other side of the family; it is emotional abuse of the child you claim to love!!  


There is still opportunity to change this..

Now is the time to put your children first... 

Stop parental child abduction

Stop parental alienation

Stop hostile "parenting"

One Day Closer x







