I will continue to post to private blog messages to my daughter which she can read whenever she asks for access.
It is so important for her to know that she is always in my mind and in my heart. Always has been.. Always will be..
The tactics used to keep us apart have been dispicable.. This will come to an end. One day she will seek the truth I am sure.
When she is an adult, she won't be able to be controlled in the way she is now and decisions made for her. I have maintained a record should she seek these answers.All I wanted was to be in my daughter's life but every tactic possible has been used to try to stop that from happening.. All because I dared to instigate Hague proceedings for her return home after she was taken a decade ago.
I have tried to request mediation several times but it is always refused by her mother. Probably through fear of the truth being known.
I want my daughter to know that I am not the person that I have been portrayed to be.. I am a loving father who would do anything for my child.
Parental alienation and abuse of the family court with tactics like false allegations is horrific.. But I am not alone. There are many fathers, mothers and families that are having to cope and be patient in the same way we have.
But I am not broken by this. I am the same loving, caring father I always was... Only stronger!
In a way, I can understand why such attempts are being used to try to silence me. The tactics that were used were beyond despicable.
If and when answers are searched for, they are here.
Ideally, I would have loved to be able to mediate.
Despite those tactics used and the hurt that was caused to the paternal family, I have been willing to put those thoughts aside and discuss contact so our daughter can have both sides of her family in her life. She deserves that.. What she does not deserve is to be lied to and deceived in the way that she has been and still is being!!
We are one day closer and I cannot wait for the day we are reunited.
Always loving you
Forever your dad
0034 622 925 754
So so sad.... one day soon Aleyah will be reunited with her very very proud dad xxx