Sunday, 1 March 2020

Mediation - The solution in cases of Parental Child Abduction?

I think we can fully agree that mediation is the best solution for the child so there is support for parents to put their children first over any dispute they might have with each other. 

Unfortunately though, there are many cases where mediation is NOT possible especially when parental alienation and/or false allegations are taking place and those cases which are no longer considered abduction cases due to the tactics used to remove the child AND those cases that have been ongoing for a long period of time.

In those cases, I don't feel that there is ANY current charity/organisation that can effectively support the left behind family nor the child.

Are you aware of any not just in UK but worldwide? 

My hope is that some charity and/or organisation will start to raise awareness of THOSE issues as well as just mediation.

Another issue is supporting the child and the left behind parent/family in a reunification process after being subject to alienation.

The child is left to "possibly" work things out.. But how difficult it must be to realise that a parent that they love and trust has been lying to them or tactically brainwashing them? (or hold on to the polluted portrayal of their other parent)

What support is given to the child and the left behind parent in situations like that?

#ParentalAlienation #parentalchildabduction #kidsfirst #mediation #familycourt

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