Sunday, 24 June 2018

Positive News

Fantastic to hear tonight from a parent who has reunited with his children after several years separated through parental child abduction / parental alienation. There will no doubt be a healing period for them where the damage will need time to repair in order to rebuild their relationships but it was so positive to hear.

I hope they are given help with this process and not simply left to it as it will be a difficult process I am sure. 

Another positive is that the other parent admitted using false allegations as they were advised to by lawyers.. 

Maybe the family courts need to open their eyes and see that this is a tactic to achieve an objective and actually provide some form of deterrent and accountability for legal professionals as well as alienating parents?? .. 

Until they do, it will continue to be a tool used by alienating parents and malicious legal teams without any thought for the possible long term damage on the children xx

Friday, 22 June 2018


We recently had a visit from Reunite International's CEO and she discussed with me a real need they have to updating their PC support system as it is very outdated and not compatible with some of the software they wish to use to run their adviceline / support system.

As you might know, Reunite International Child Abduction Centre are a registered charity who support parents and families worldwide who have been affected by parental child abduction so for obvious reasons, it is a charity close to my heart.

However, it is a small charity with a limited budget so I thought that maybe there could be something we could do to help them reach the target of £20,000 that they have been quoted..

With that in mind, I set up a justgiving "Team" page where we can add any events and fundraising we do as we go along...

If you would like to donate to this fund or organise an event etc to help them reach this target, click on the link. 

If you are wanting to organise your own event for this fund, why not set up a JustGiving page and add your page to this team by clicking on the "Join the Team" link at the bottom of the team page.

Thanks xxxx

Another Day Closer

Another day closer... Always loving you.. Always thinking of you. Forever your Dad xxx

Wearing School of Rock shirt with pride

Wearing my School of Rock t-shirt with pride.. #prouddad #stickittotheman #schoolofrockuk #aleyahmonkdalton (aka stage/alienation name #aaliyahmonk) #summerhathaway xx