Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Stop the hate! Stop the alienation! Stop the abuse!

There will come a point where you cannot control the thoughts of your child anymore and this might result in you losing them in their adult lives. 

If your children "are your world" then why do you HATE half of who they are so much that you feel the need to alienate them from the other parent and family?

#parentalalienation #parentalchildabduction #onedaycloser #stoptheabuse

Friday, 27 July 2018

Aleyah's role as Summer comes to an end

Just to let you know, my daughter Aleyah ends her role of Summer in School of Rock, London next month. Thank you to all who went to see her in the show (or tried to) and sent me photos.. It really does mean so much to me that you cared enough to do that and I'm sure it will to her too when we are reunited whenever that might be.. I have written all of your names and the date you went in the notebook I had made for her which will be kept in her memory chest.. One more day closer xxxx

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Join us on the Reunite Walk - 15th September

As mentioned in earlier posts, the Reunite International Child Abduction Centre annual walk is taking place at Stave Hill Ecology Park, London on Saturday 15th September

It would be great if we can get more people there.. Parents.. family members.. Friends/supporters. 

The more people that go, the more awareness we can show to people that are not necessarily affected by parental child abduction / retention / parental alienation as well as highlighting to MPs, authorities, media, social media etc.

It's an opportunity for parents to speak to others in a similar position to realise that they are not alone and give each other much needed support. It's also a good opportunity to speak to people from Reunite.

It only takes place once per year so I really hope that people will do what they can to give their support

We have booked our flights from Spain to be there so look forward to seeing you if you can make it.. 

Let Reunite know if you want to be there with us : +44 (0)116 2555 345 or reunite@dircon.co.uk

Remember.. This walk is primarily about getting parents, families together who have been affected by parental child abduction and friends/family/supporters. It is only 5km in a very pleasant setting..

Stave Hill Ecological Park

Timber Pond Rd, London SE16 6AX, UK


Any sponsorship / monies raised is a bonus but I have set up a new Justgiving page to try to raise monies to update their IT to better support affected families though their advice line


Sunday, 22 July 2018

Always thinking of you Aleyah

Wherever I go, I'm thinking of you Aleyah.. Today I cycled past the swings where you used to play at playa flamenca.. I know you would be too old for these now but memories are all I have right now.. I cannot wait for the day we are reunited.. Always loving you.. Forever your dad.. Xxxx. #onedaycloser #aleyahmonkdalton aka alienation/stage name #aaliyahmonk

Thursday, 19 July 2018

Reunite International Annual Walk - 15th September

Reunite International Child Abduction Centre annual walk will take place this year on Saturday 15th September at Stave Hill Ecology Park in London. 

This walk is primarily about getting parents, families and supporters together who have been affected by parental child abduction.

Any sponsorship / monies raised is a bonus. However, if you do wish to sponsor us to help Reunite support parents and families affected by parental child abduction, you can do so on my Justgiving page 


If you would like to participate, please contact reunite on : +44 (0)116 2555 345 or reunite@dircon.co.uk and let them know you would like to support them so they can estimate numbers. Thanks guys xx