Wednesday, 21 March 2018


Sharing in the hope that the mother and maternal grandparents will start to see how this needs to change.. Please put an end to this behaviour for our daughter's sake.. One day there will be an end to this.. Im sure you know that.. Wouldn't it be better sooner rather than later and have her know that you did that for her rather than the inevitable resentment she may have later in life?

I will plea again ... Please stop the bs..

Surely this must be stressful for everybody and really needs to stop?.. Please just allow our child to be loved and cared for by both parents.. 

The tactics that were used were so bad and have stolen so many years from our lives..

It has stolen our child's grandmother perminently which is unbelievably tragic..

I am trying to put my thoughts about this to one side and think of OUR child.. She deserves to be allowed to be loved and cared for by BOTH of her parents..

Communicate for the sake of our child.. She will thank you for that in the future whatever she is being taught to believe now.. 



Can you forgive.....
Dear Alienating Parent
Patterns of Behaviour
Thoughts of a Parent...
Ironic view of Family Court...

Thoughts for my daughter

Always loving you Aleyah
Always thinking of you...
Forever your dad xxx

One day closer

Sunday, 18 March 2018

EI dia del padre

Fathers Day tomorrow here in Spain 'EI dia del padre"...It really is so difficult and the emotions heighten even more on key dates... Please don't forget that parents who cannot see their children due to abduction and /or alienation ARE still daddies or mummies on these days. The difference being that it cannot be acknowledged by the children that they love with all of their hearts... Thoughts with all affected parents, grandparents, families AND of course, their children.... One day closer x

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

International Women's Day

With International Women's Day, I could name several who should have some recognition but as it is international, there are very few more deserving than Alison Shalaby of Reunite International Child Abduction Centre for her work in raising awareness of parental child abduction and her support of parents and families affected by this.. Thanks Alison.. xxx
#reuniteinternationalchildabductioncentre #parentalchildabduction #parentalalienation #internationalwomansday

School Of Rock UK

I am so so proud of you Aleyah. Not a day goes by without me thinking of you.

Always loving you.... Forever your Dad

I cannot wait for the day we are reunited.... One more day closer

Aleyah, Aaliyah