It deepenly saddens me to report the tragic death of a loving father Gautam Gulati.
Gautam tried to do everything he could to be reunited with his daughter Zahra after she was parentally abducted from India by her mother and refused any access with his child.
The impact of this abduction was extreme on the whole family. Only a few months ago, Gautam had to cope with the tragic loss of his mother who he was very close to. This hit Gautam very hard.
Although Gautam was forced into the position of fighting through the courts in both jurisdictions, which was extremely stressful, he still took the time to try to support other parents who are so cruelly separated from their children. He was a very kind and special man who will be sadly missed.
I spoke to Gautam last Monday and he was so much more confident and positive that the appeals process was finally working in his favour to allow him to be reunited with his child. You can imagine how shocked and saddened I was to hear this news.
He, like many other parents who are affected by parental child abduction and parental alienation, was often frustrated, disillusioned in the system that he tried to put his trust in, and emotionally broken due to the help he pleaded for being ignored or dismissed. It hurt him terribly.
As yet, the cause of his death has not been confirmed.
I pray that one day, Zahra will know how much he loved her and fought for her. She has suffered a very tragic and perminent loss.
RIP Gautam x