Thursday, 23 February 2017

Dear Alienating Parent

Sadly, these tactics are used over and over again without deterrent or accountability for doing so...

Dear Alienating / abducting "parents"

You have proven your point that you can take "ownership" of your child by abducting and manipulating the system to achieve your goal in destroying the parental and family bond of the child and family that loves the child wholeheartedly.
You have proven that you can make false allegations, lie and deceive the courts and authorities in any way that you want to without any deterrent or accountability for doing so.
You have proven that you can portray a good parent to be an absolute monster and also coach your child in an attempt to have them believe your lies.
You have proven that you can use the system over and over again as long as the child's other parent and family do everything they can to be part of your child's life.
You have shown that you are prepared to emotionally harm your child and your child's family who love each other unconditionally.
Does this make you proud? Does it give you a feeling of accomplishment to not only abuse your child's family but also your child him/her self?
Do you realise that this can affect your child, that you claim to love for the rest of their childhood lives and even into adulthood? Possibly even for the rest of their lives?
Is this setting a good example for them being parents when they are older?
Do you realise also that when those children do start looking for answers, that the alienation that you are inflicting right now could cause your child to resent you.. and want to alienate you completely from their adult lives?
It is not too late to change your ways. Stop your abuse now.. Please.. For the sake of your child/children.

Anon (bound by gagging orders to "protect" the child from the truth)

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Gautam Gulati - RIP

It deepenly saddens me to report the tragic death of a loving father Gautam Gulati.

Gautam tried to do everything he could to be reunited with his daughter Zahra after she was parentally abducted from India by her mother and refused any access with his child.

The impact of this abduction was extreme on the whole family. Only a few months ago, Gautam had to cope with the tragic loss of his mother who he was very close to. This hit Gautam very hard.

Although Gautam was forced into the position of fighting through the courts in both jurisdictions, which was extremely stressful, he still took the time to try to support other parents who are so cruelly separated from their children. He was a very kind and special man who will be sadly missed.

I spoke to Gautam last Monday and he was so much more confident and positive that the appeals process was finally working in his favour to allow him to be reunited with his child. You can imagine how shocked and saddened I was to hear this news.

He, like many other parents who are affected by parental child abduction and parental alienation, was often frustrated, disillusioned in the system that he tried to put his trust in, and emotionally broken due to the help he pleaded for being ignored or dismissed. It hurt him terribly.

As yet, the cause of his death has not been confirmed.

I pray that one day, Zahra will know how much he loved her and fought for her. She has suffered a very tragic and perminent loss.

RIP Gautam x

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Karen Woodall Blog

The lady seems to know and understand the issues so well. I have read many posts by her and I respect and agree with almost all. Keep up the excellent work Karen. One Day Closer xx

......"Parental alienation is NOT about conflict between two parents even though it may look like that from the outside to the naive or unaware professional, it is about the actions of one parent, often an unwell parent, who is causing the child to reject the other parent, which causes the rejected parent to feel upset, hurt, unheard and often angry that help is not available.

Parental alienation is NOT about parents acting badly it is about one parent acting badly and the other being drawn into a desperate struggle to save their relationship with their child.

Parental alienation IS child abuse and like all child abuse it is harmful to the child not to intervene AND stop it AND punish the perpetrator especially if that person will not stop it and cannot show insight into what they have done......"
