Thursday, 22 December 2016

Merry Xmas

Wishing everybody a happy & wonderful Christmas.

For those who are parents who are not able to see their children through abduction/alienation, my heart goes out to you and empathise with the hurt that you will undoubtedly be feeling.

Also so much thought for those who are suffering the bereavement of their children through illness or accident. It must be such a very traumatic time and must hurt so much in particular on these key dates.

Please stay strong and try to enjoy the season as much as possible with the people around you that are important in your life.

If you have your children / grandchildren with you this year, treasure every single moment with them. They will never be this age again.. You are very blessed..xx

Thank you to everybody that have stayed the distance, inspired me and helped me to stay focused and positive when I have needed it most. Also to the crazy loons I call friends who keep me smiling...

I really can't put into words how much I appreciate all that have given so much love and support. I'm blessed to have some amazing friends and family.

Love and best wishes!!! One Day Closer!! xx

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

2016 Thank you message

Thank you so much for your continued support in 2016. Our efforts and your kindness has now raised an amazing £6,222 in total for Reunite International Child Abduction Centre through One Day Closer. 

A special thank you to Costa Blanca Tranquillity Lodge, as well as the The Fire Station bar, Shani and Andy Ormiston, all the football teams competing in the Reunite International Shield including the singers who entertained in the evening events, those who supported my skydive and also a huge thank you to Michelle Clark who has been my rock during all of this. One more day closer...

Friday, 2 December 2016

Reunite - November News Roundup

At the beginning of the month, it was announced that the government has decided to opt in to the recast of the EU legislation known as the Brussels IIa regulation. The regulation outlines procedures to be used in cross-border family issues within the EU, such as the recognition of existing court orders and the abduction of children between EU states, and is currently being used by UK courts.

Reunite took part in the government’s consultation on the recast of Brussels IIa, and whether the UK should opt in to further discussions. They stated that the government shares their view that it is important for the UK to be part of the recast, even with Brexit on the horizon.

Reunite feel the impact of the proposed changes on families within the EU, including the families or British nationals living in other EU states, could be significant.

Reunite made a submission to the Justice Committee’s consultation on ‘the implications of Brexit for the justice system’ shortly following the announcement.

The EU’s Brussels IIa regulation is currently integrated into UK national law. Brussels IIa allows for orders in relation to parental responsibility to be recognised from one EU Member State to another, and adds extra obligations on Member States for the benefit of children in inter-EU 1980 Hague abduction cases.  

As a result, leaving the EU and potentially losing this key piece of legislation is going to have an impact on UK law and international family cases, and this needs to be taken into consideration by Parliament whatever happens next. 

Reunite hopes that their submission will be beneficial to the consultation and ultimately help to inform Parliament to make the best decisions for families and abducted children.


On the 17th November, Reunite organised a parents get together in London. This was a great opportunity to have a chat and share experiences with other parents and a few members of the reunite team over a drink and some nibbles.

They organise these meetings every second month. If you would like to attend one of the future meetings, send an email to Mitta at who will send you further details.  


Sadly, several new cases were reported during the month of November involving UK, Spain, Poland and Jamaica. Reunite aim provide ongoing advice and support to the parents who speak with them and work with them towards what will hopefully be a positive outcome for their children.

If you are affected by Parental Child Abduction and need advice, please call the Reunite International Child Abduction Centre advice line - 0044 (0)116 2556 234.


Later in the month, Reunite hosted a seminar with the British Embassy in Seoul on the 1980 Hague Convention, with the aim of informing local lawyers about child abduction and how the 1980 Hague Convention works.

There were a number of speakers, who included the Hague Permanent Bureau, Judge Kim and Professor Suk from Korea, the Korean Central Authority, Justice Bennett from Australia, John Mellor of CAFCASS, Anne-Marie Hutchinson and our Reunite's Alison Shalaby.

Reunite hope that this seminar has helped to increase knowledge and confidence amongst professionals, in an effort to secure the best possible outcomes for the children in 1980 Hague cases.

Also, late in November, Reunite's Sam Chapman attended the  Embassy Consular Conference, talking about the work of reunite with FCO's Consular Director, Julia Longbottom, and London's consular community.


Here in Spain, we would like to offer our huge appreciation to the Costa Blanca Tranquillity Lodge for their continued support for the Reunite International Child Abduction Centre Charity. Through their efforts, they have raised approximately £1,500 that will be used towards updating the centre offices.
We would also like to give our best wishes and support to Shani Ormiston, who has supported the charity for a number of years through events and cd sales.

Her latest release "You Gotta Let It Go" can be seen on YouTube

It is also available on media download sites CD Baby (click here)  iTunes (click here) , Google Play (click here), Spotify (click here)

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Shani Ormiston's new video for "You Gotta Let It Go"

A few weeks ago, we wished Shani Ormiston the best of luck with the launch of her new single "You Gotta Let It Go" which is available now on media download sites CD Baby (click here)  iTunes (click here) , Google Play (click here), Spotify (click here)

Shani has supported the Reunite International Child Abduction Centre charity for a number years now through her previous CD "Once Upon A Time" and also through a number of concerts/events in Spain.

As an update to the previous post, Shani has now produced a video for this song on YouTube and we would like to congratulate her and all involved for such an amazing job. It is brilliant!!

Watch Shani's video below.

Could I ask all to play and share her video as much as possible and give her the support she deserves?

You can also follow her on the links below:

Monday, 14 November 2016

Parents Get-Together - London (UK) - 17th Nov - 6.30pm

Reunite will be holding an informal parent get-together this week if you'd like to join them.
This is a great opportunity to have a chat and share experiences with other parents and a few members of the reunite team over a drink and some nibbles.

They will be meeting on the evening of the 17th November in London, so if you'd like to join them please send an email to Mitta at who will send you further details.

Reunite submission to the Justice Committee

Reunite International Child Abduction Centre have been putting the finishing touches to their submission to the Justice Committee’s consultation on ‘the implications of Brexit for the justice system’.

The EU’s Brussels IIa regulation is currently integrated into UK law. Brussels IIa allows for orders in relation to parental responsibility to be recognised from one EU Member State to another, and adds extra obligations on Member States for the benefit of children in inter-EU 1980 Hague abduction cases.  

As a result, leaving the EU and potentially losing this key piece of legislation is going to have an impact on UK law and international family cases, and this needs to be taken into consideration by Parliament whatever happens next. 

Reunite hopes their submission will be beneficial to the consultation and ultimately helps to inform Parliament to make the best decisions for families and abducted children.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Busy October for Reunite

Reunite's CEO, Alison, was invited to attend the 2nd EuroAmerican Congress of Family Law which was recently held in Uruguay. She met with Judges, legal professionals, academics and organisations from a number of Latin American countries, including Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Brazil.

There was an opportunity to discuss challenges faced in cases of parental child abduction and how reunite can work closer with key stakeholders across Latin America to benefit families and children.

Also in October, Reunite exhibited at the Resolution Dispute Resolution Conference in Nottingham. It was a great opportunity to speak with lawyers and other mediators about how beneficial mediation can be in international cases involving children, and to highlight the work of their advice line.

 Earlier in October reunite attended a conference in Moscow examining the use and enforcement of the 1980 and 1996 Hague Conventions in Russia.

The event was attended by experts from Russia and the UK, and examined how child abduction cases are treated in both countries. Reunite's Development and External Communications Liaison Officer Vicky spoke about the work of reunite including their advice line, mediation and policy work.

The conference was a great opportunity to learn about different aspects of the 1980 Hague system in Russia, and hopefully the information and experience shared will be of use to parents in the future.

Well done to all involved.  

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Reunite Senior Football League - Orihuela Costa

Following the success of this year's Reunite International Shield Football Tournament, Olaf Fett of the De Bassus - La Zenia team, who were runners-up, is calling for teams to start a soccer 8's senior league in support of Reunite International Child Abduction Centre.

If you are interested in playing for a team, or you have a team already established that would like to play in this friendly league, please contact Olaf at the de Bassus Bar and Restaurant at La Zenia (628 75 53 50 / 615 53 11 89 ) or email One Day Closer -

Friday, 21 October 2016

LEPCA Mini Course (Rome, Italy) - Parental Child Abduction 28.11.2016

On 28th November, 2016, there will be a mini course programme held by LEPCA (Lawyers in Europe on Parental Child Abduction) at Istituto A.C. Jemolo, Vaile Guilio Cesare N.31, Rome, Italy on the subject of Parental Child Abduction

You can download details here:

Reunite International Child Abduction Centre will be represented on the day as well as ASIME - Spain and CENTER IKO - Netherlands  on the subject of mediation in cross border family law matters,

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Parental Child Abduction / Alienation has an impact on the whole family

During a discussion with a parent today, I was informed of the tragic news that the parent's mother (the child's grandmother) had been driven to the point of absolute despair and took her own life citing her reasons in a note.

I found this message heartbreaking and also totally frustrating because the courts, the authorities, the media and many people who have not been affected do not seem to take any priority of the possible impact on the parent, the family and most importantly, the child.

This poor child has now lost a loving grandparent permanently when it could so easily have been avoided. How will this impact the child when they are old enough to understand what has happened? How do you think this will impact the rest of the family?

For me personally, this is also a very upsetting subject as my mother, who was an amazing lady, mother and grandmother and absolutely adored her grandchild, never had the opportunity to be reunited before she sadly passed away last November.

I saw first hand how distraught she was. It hurt her so much to no longer see her grandchild and also for her to see how much it was hurting HER child!! Me!

I wish parents would stop being so selfish in behaving in this abusive manner. I wish they would stop playing God with their children's lives.

I also wish that the authorities, the courts, the media and the public would see parental child abduction and alienation as the emotional abuse that it is and do what they can to deter this.....

One Day Closer xx

Reunite's Email Temporarily Down

You may have already seen from their Facebook page but Reunite's email is down at the moment due to them changing service provider. If they are needed, call the adviceline.. 01162 555 234 or 01162 555 345

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Plea to stop parental child abduction / alienation

Sadly, these tactics are used over and over again without deterrent or accountability for doing so...

"Dear Alienating / abducting "parents"

You have proven your point that you can take "ownership" of our child by abducting and manipulating the system to achieve your goal in destroying the parental and family bond of the child and family that loves the child wholeheartedly.

You have proven that you can make false allegations, lie and deceive the courts and authorities in any way that you want to without any deterrent or accountability for doing so.

You have proven that you can portray a good parent to be an absolute monster and also coach your child in an attempt to have them believe your lies.

You have proven that you can use the system over and over again as long as the child's other parent and family do everything they can to be part of your child's life.

You have shown that you are prepared to emotionally harm your child and your child's family who love each other unconditionally

Does this make you proud? Does it give you a feeling of accomplishment to not only abuse your child's family but also your child him/her self?

Do you realise that this can affect your child, that you claim to love for the rest of their childhood lives and even into adulthood? Possibly even for the rest of their lives? Is this setting a good example for them being parents when they are older?

Do you realise also that when those children do start looking for answers, that the alienation that you are inflicting right now could cause your child to resent you.. And want to alienate you completely from their adult lives?

It is not too late to change your ways. Stop your abuse now.. Please.. For the sake of your child/children.

Anon (bound by gagging orders to "protect" the child from the truth)

Thursday, 6 October 2016

2017 Torrevieja Outlook Solidarity Calendar

Thank you to Andy Ormiston and Torrevieja Outlook for selecting Reunite International Child Abduction Centre as one of the supported charities for the 2017 Torrevieja Solidarity Calendar which are on sale at a cost of €5.
 Andy Ormiston with Michelle

Contact or phone Michelle on 0034 651 574 682 to order your copy. All proceeds from the Calendars sold by us will be given to the Reunite International Child Abduction Centre charity via our JustGiving page

The theme for the 11th edition (2017) is "La Bella Lola who represents the women of the town; so this is dedicated to the women of Torrevieja who are involved in every aspect of our lives as citizens"

The presentation was well attended by various charities and media from the area which gave the opportunity to discuss each charity and make new contacts in the tranquil setting of the Aroca Sequier - abogados garden (sponsor) in the Rocajuna urbanisation.

3 worthy charities were selected by Currencies Direct and were each presented with a cheque for the total of €3,200

Thank you to everybody for you continued support. It is very much appreciated. x

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

One year ago since the completion of Walk Across Borders (5th Oct 2015)

A year ago today, I completed a 44 day walk (approx 1750km) between Orihuela, Spain and London.

My objectives were to:
  1. Raise awareness of the issues surrounding parental child abduction and the impact on families and children
  2. Raise awareness of parental alienation abuse and the impact on families and children
  3. Raise awareness of the failures in family court and with authorities that sometimes appear to facilitate abduction, alienation and false allegations which can be used as a heinous alienation tactic.
  4. Help the Reunite International UK charity who NEED the additional resources to effectively support families who are involved in international children's cases.. Over 17,000 calls were managed by their advice line in 2014. For such a small charity, this is an enormous task.
  5. To show what affected parents are prepared to do to show their love for their children

We had such wonderful support from so many people on this journey from which we are so grateful. In particular, Michelle on the left of this photo who helped me advertise, walked a number of stages with me, drove the support car, wrote many posts on social media, hung the laundry wherever she could find a space (often at the side of the road) and kept me and people walking with me fed.. I really cannot thank her and others enough.

We also met some amazing people en route that provided an experience that we will never forget...

There were also some very testing moments too but we took those in our stride (excuse the pun)

I think we achieved most of what we wanted to achieve on the journey. In particular, raising awareness for which the number of hits on my Walk Across Borders blog was amazing.
I was also pleased that my mother was able to see us complete this before she sadly passed away in November...

She was so proud and fully supported the reasons why we decided to do this.. Tragically, she never had the opportunity to reunite with her granddaughter who she loved wholeheartedly until her last breath... It still does not seem real that she is no longer with us.. She was my rock... For such a small lady, she had so much courage and strength.. She is missed so much :(

Hopefully, we can continue to do as much as we can to try to make a difference... a positive difference... and just maybe enough awareness will be raised to prompt some change...

Doing nothing achieves nothing...

Nobody can do everything; but everybody can do something...

One more day closer xxxx